
Snake.ioisamultiplayergamewhereyoumustslitherandsurviveaslongaspossible.Challengeyourfriendsandtrytobethemostgiantworminthearena.,2023年10月7日—在遊戲史上,這是視頻遊戲世界中最具影響力的遊戲。GoogleSnakeGame是一種有趣的體驗,您是一條蛇,目標是吃水果來變大。你,蛇,一開始是一條小 ...,Google'shomagetotheChineseNewYearin2013wasaSnake-themedHTML5game,inspiredbythetimelessNokiasnakegame,butwithacel... is a multiplayer game where you must slither and survive as long as possible. Challenge your friends and try to be the most giant worm in the arena.

Snake Game

2023年10月7日 — 在遊戲史上,這是視頻遊戲世界中最具影響力的遊戲。 Google Snake Game 是一種有趣的體驗,您是一條蛇,目標是吃水果來變大。你,蛇,一開始是一條小 ...

Play "Snake Game" by Google

Google's homage to the Chinese New Year in 2013 was a Snake-themed HTML5 game, inspired by the timeless Nokia snake game, but with a celebratory twist!

Popular Google Doodle Games

Google Snake, inspired by the classic Snake game that debuted in the late 1970s, revolves around a pixelated serpent's quest to devour pellets while avoiding ...



Play Snake on Google Maps

Navigate different cities around the world in this rendition of the classic arcade game Snake.

Google Snake Game

The objective of the game is to control a pixelated snake and guide it around the game board to eat pellets, grow in length, and avoid running into walls or its ...